
A New Perspective on Success and Personal Development

Posted: 18.06.2019.

Every successful person who has publicly spoken on their fortune all used the same principles to attain their success. Why do they all agree?

From an early age, we all hold on to dreams of living a happy, successful, and amazing life. We seek to be like those that have already “made it” in our eyes and want to know the secrets to how they achieved their massive success. When they tell us, “just make good decisions,” “be disciplined and focus,” or my favorite, “just do these things that I’m doing,” you can’t help but feel like there’s something unsavory and unsatisfactory about the simplicity and vagueness of these responses.

Yet, open any of the thousands of self-help books on the bookshelves of Barnes and Noble, and they’ll all tell you how they applied discipline, adopted a positive mindset, and created good and consistent habits that brought their wealth, fame, or fortune. They’ll back these statements with inspiring stories of themselves or someone else. And all of them seem to say the same thing, yet not one book has explored the science that explains why all of these authors agree on the same success principles and tout the same concepts and ideas. Why is that?

Explaining the magic that happens in our minds and brains when we take on healthy habits, embrace challenges, and grow is difficult to do! You’d need to understand neuroscience and psychology to make sense of it all. And despite of all the intelligent neuroscientists and psychologists out there, no one has been interested enough to tackle this issue: the issue of explaining what happens to us when we apply these principles – on each of our brain, mind, and body.

I would know because I tried to find someone that did, and my search yielded no results.

Instead, what happened was I started reading a ton of very interesting books on neuroscience and the psychology of habit formation, decision making, and growth. I took everything I learned from those books and began applying them to my own life in my own unique way, and the results have been amazing. The quality of my life has dramatically improved, even though I have not finished growing, or have reached the point in my life where I want to be. I connected all the information that I read about in books and created original applications that made me aware of my own mental potential and limitations, and exploited it to live a presently healthy, happy, and grateful life – three key characteristics of wealth and success.

This is why I’m starting this blog. I want to create a blog that brings success and wealth to your life by helping you understanding yourself better. I want to digest cutting-edge neuroscience and psychology texts and research and present it to you in a straightforward manner, so you can navigate your mind better, which in my opinion is the essence of your being. I want to make you aware of the aspects of your mind that you need to embrace to grow, and to make you cognizant of the areas of your mind that might be hindering your growth. I want to show you how your mind plays tricks on you and how you are your own worst enemy – all with data and science.

Let me show you why this is important. Any reality you can possibly conjure up in your mind starts as a thought. Whether you want to create it depends on several factors, such as how quick and easy it would be to achieve and how much you want it (for example, deciding you want to eat Chipotle for lunch vs. becoming a millionaire). Regardless, any material reality you want for yourself starts in your mind. From there, you must make a decision about whether you want that possibility from the hundreds of possibilities that you have in your mind. After you’ve made a decision, it becomes action and in doing so, you’ve crossed the bridge from making something a thought into a reality.

Take another example. Just as there are principles to success, there are behaviors and attitudes that are characteristic of unhealthy, toxic, or delinquent lifestyles. As people play out these unhealthy habits and attitudes consistently over time, their lives can seem to spiral out of their control, and it’s not uncommon to see these individuals in jail, in financial distress, or depressed – all while feeling like it’s impossible to change. It all comes down to the small day-to-day choices that accumulate over the span of our lives that shape who you are.

What I’m getting at is that I firmly believe that the mentality you possess, the decisions you make, and the self-awareness you give yourself have much more influence on your future, success, and happiness than any other environmental, socioeconomic, and cultural factor.

But why is the science important? Surely you can just listen to all the gurus and successful people out there who have repeated things that have been said for generations and call it a day. But how often have you watched motivational videos on social media or read a book that truly inspired you to change your life for the better, and did so in the process? Probably not very many. It’s because we need a framework where everything makes sense according to our own experience and understanding of ourselves, not someone else’s projected onto our own life. Life isn’t a cookie cutter recipe, and it’s time for us to understand why we think and behave the way we do, and how to create meaningful and lasting change for the better in a personal and intimate way. This is only possible by laying out the science that describes your frustrations, your inspirations, your decisions, and experience.

The mind is extremely powerful. It has powers that give us a lot of freedom in molding us into what we already believe and think. Just as it has the potential to create people that will be remembered for generations, the mind can also destroy lives if left unchecked. All I hope to do is explain the different facets, abilities, and kinks your mind is made up of – and apply this knowledge to create better mental health, gratitude, self-acceptance, and to inspire you to reach new personal levels and heights with the potential that lies inside your head; because knowledge without application is nice but not really useful to our lives.

Why should you listen to me? All the data and research I present will be cited, and any concepts and ideas I borrow from other writers or scientists are all google-able or found in a book or YouTube. I’m just an electrical engineer that has a fascination with physics and understanding how the universe works and why it makes sense. My current job got me interested in the mind and brain because I work as a technical sales engineer for a company that sells equipment that aids in a specific kind of brain surgery called Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery that alleviate the symptoms of patients with Parkinson’s Disease.

I hope you enjoy my writing. And please engage with me! Ask questions, comment on the posts, give me ideas or frustrations that you’re experiencing in your lives so I can do some research and write about them. With discourse, we can reach a better understanding and even get feedback if these ideas work for you, or don’t, and why. We’re all on our own journey but none of us have to walk it alone. Let’s grow and reach new heights together.


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